Monday, 26 October 2015

CoreLogic RP Data Brisbane Real Estate Market Analysis

CoreLogic RP Data
I've just started collecting data from CoreLogic RP Data for analysis of the Brisbane real estate market. At the moment the data available is very limited but I will aim to update it monthly when data is available.

As shown median property prices so far this year haven't changed much with units slightly losing value of late. 

A bit of a wild ride for houses capital gains, especially in the past 12 months. Firstly, the red line for the past five years clearly shows a recovery from the 2011 floods, especially since June 2015. However over the 10 year period, house prices have remained steady if not have decreased slightly in value over the year. Finally, the 12 month period demonstrates a bit of of a down period in gains during the mid year and a nice recovery through to August before levelling out. With all this talk of Brisbane becoming the next property hot spot, it will be interesting to see how true some real estate commentators are with that prediction.

Units in Brisbane are steadily growing at around 3-4% over the ten year period, however over the past five years and 12 months things have taken turn with periods of negative growth but overall units would have been well of regardless of the negative capital gains.

Dwellings have performed similar to houses, a drop in growth around May but have steadily picked up since and over the ten year period have maintained around 3-4% growth.

For more of this information, check out the Your Property Success Toolbox by Jane Slack-Smith.

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