Wednesday, 28 October 2015

27 Main Causes of Failure

Another ripper from Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. How many of these causes of failures are holding you back in whatever your goals are?

  1. Unfavourable and hereditary background
  2. Lack of well defined purpose in life - Something I struggle with myself on occasions but having since started writing this blog and setting myself central definite life goals I've been able to live with a greater purpose and desire.
  3. Lack of ambition to aim above mediocrity - Why live a life striving for something more? Go and get what you want and live those dreams.
  4. Insufficient Education - I don't see this as not having an opportunity of attending tertiary education but rather not being able to apply what you have learnt to achieve what you want.
  5. Lack of self discipline - Relates strongly to self control and practicing positive habits that influence your ability to achieve your goals. Once something is a habit, it's second nature and a breeze to do.
  6. Ill Health - Look after your body, eat healthy, exercise sufficiently and get lots of rest. Don't force yourself through something when the body isn't ready.
  7. Unfavourable Environmental Influences During Childhood
  8. Procrastination - Firstly, time will never be perfect. The best time to start something was yesterday, the second best time to start something is now and the worse time is in the future. The first step to success is starting, make it a habit.
  9. Lack of Persistence - The next biggest thing is once someone has started to keep on going to the end. If what you are doing is the right thing, the results will come no matter what. No need to worry about the little details in between, focus on the big picture.
  10. Negative personality - Screw the haters, honestly.
  11. Lack of controlled sexual urge - Sex drive is the most powerful emotion, it leads to results.
  12. Uncontrolled desire for "Something for Nothing" - I hate fad diets, they seem to promote this "something of nothing" mentality of having this magic pill/diet/whatever and you'll suddenly drop 10kg in a week.
  13. Lack of well-defined power of decision - This links back to lack of persistence and procrastination. Stick to your decision and trust you instincts.
  14. Over Caution - Similar to Lack of well defined power of decision, trust your instincts. You have to take a risk and chance sometimes in life to get what you desire.
  15. Superstition and prejudice - Start every day with a clear mind, be open to everyones opinions and don't let the haters get to you.
  16. Wrong Selection of a vocation - I like many of my mates have hit a rut in our career where we believe we are in the wrong job. Find your passion and live it, I'm still searching..
  17. Lack of concentration of effort - Pick your definite goals and give them your all. Trying to tackle too much at once can lead to poor performance.
  18. The Habit of Indiscriminate Spending - Don't fear poverty, don't feel the need to better your neighbour, work colleague, family or friend by purchasing the best of everything.
  19. Lack of Enthusiasm - Hard to be passionate about something without enthusiasm, it simply lacks substance.
  20. Intolerance - Have an open mind.
  21. Intemperance - Eat clean, train hard and let your body rest. The rest will fall into place.
  22. Inability to cooperate with others - The key in life is successful relationships and networking. Don't burn those bridges you worked so hard to create!
  23. Possession of power not acquired through self-effort - Quick riches are more dangerous than poverty. Understand how you have come into this possession of power and treat it with respect.
  24. Intentional Dishonesty - It will catch up to you one day, always will.
  25. Egotism and Vanity - Relates to Inability to Cooperate with others, don't let your ego get in the way of a successful relationship.
  26. Guessing instead of thinking - Do your homework, trust your judgement and make sure it makes sense.
  27. Lack of capital.
I personally have a lot of these to work on, but for me it has been an interesting read to try and link these failures to what is happening in my life and any obvious fixes I can implement to avoid future failures.

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