Thursday, 29 October 2015

F$%& The Haters

The power of persistence in times of adversity is a trait that many successful people have managed to harness to achieve their desire and goals. Founder of FedEx, Fred Smith was able to persevere through many times of difficulty to ultimately build an air freight empire.

As student at Yale University, a professor proposed that the concept of air freight was the next big thing for the future and would be the primary source of income for most airlines. Fred, however disagreed as he believed that the passenger air routes available were incorrect for future. Fred went on to write a paper explaining that the costs would not come down in the current system and to become profitable through air freight an airline must service not only the bigger cities but also the smaller cities as well primarily as an air freight airline with no passenger routes. His professor disagreed and gave Fred a low grade. Now this was a major set back for Fred and one that many of us would probably see as a major obstacle to lead us to failure. Fred, however did not let this get in his way.

Fred went on to create the basics of the FedEx concept:
  • An all freight airline which would primarily fly at nights when airports weren't congested;
  • All packages were small, high priority where speed of delivery was important; and
  • All packages were taken to a central location before being processed to their next destination.
It's hard to imagine that the idea of FedEx would receive initial negative feedback, but Fred was unable to find any investors willing to raise help capital. Fred did not let this next set back deter him and raised a further $91 million to fund his untested idea.

Once his concept began to gather the attention of competitors, they started arguing to the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) to refuse permission for FedEx to operate. Once again, Fred was able to overthrow this set back by ensuring his planes carried a maximum 7,500 pounds of payload which removed the necessity for CAB permission.

Fred started the company with 14 small aircraft in 1973 that took off from Memphis  and delivered packages to 25 different cities within a 24 hour period. Despite this, the company did not produce a profit until July 1975 where it then became the premier air freighter for high priority goods.

The Concept of Determination
Whilst the story above certainly lacks a fair chunk of the detail involved, the general concept of overcoming adversity is what Fred Smith was able to do in reaching his ultimate goal.

Fred had a definite purpose backed by a burning desire for its fulfilment. He truly believed in his concept and did not let his professor deter his plans let alone his inability to raise capital. Admittedly to raise his capital he did have an existing $4 million on hand, it is still a staggering feat to turn that into the $91 million required to start the business.

He had a plan which was expressed in continuous action, his plan became a habit in his life and consequently he was able to reach his goal through his drive and passion in his project.

Fred had a mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging thoughts. He did not let his professor opinion of his paper affect his mindset nor did he let those asking for his resignation when the company wasn't turning in a profit.

Finally, he had a friendly alliance with one or more persons who encouraged him to follow through with both plan and purpose.

Lack of Determination
All of us experience times of lack of determination to achieve what we want. For those achieving in the health and fitness sector, getting your butt to gym or eating the right diet and living the clean healthy lifestyle can be challenge especially when bad habits are engrained in our lifestyles. The symptoms below are some that we face daily and must preserve to reach our goals and achieve the lives we want:
  1. Failure to recognise and clearly define exactly what you want;
  2. Procrastination & Indecision;
  3. Habit of blaming others for your mistakes;
  4. Weakness of desire due to neglect in the choice of motives that implied action;
  5. Willingness to quit at the first sign of defeat;
  6. Lack of organised plan;
  7. The habit of neglecting to move on ideas, or to grasp opportunity when it presents itself;
  8. Wishing instead of willing;
  9. Searching for the short cuts; and
  10. Fear of criticism.
In the end no matter what our goal may be, these symptoms are all able to be overcame. Whether we are striving for financial success or a new lifestyle there are always ways to reach that goal. 

Firstly, it is important to maintain a clear vision of your goal. Aim to create a habit through the desire of your ultimate goal. Create a state of mind that allows you to maintain focus on what you want. Taking the first step towards that goal is better than nothing. For example, some say the hardest thing about going to gym is getting there. Spend your day focussing on getting to the gym, because once you're there it's easy to get into the groove.

Secondly, believe in your ability to carry out a plan, if you're trying to lose weight, get fit or become rich - chances are the plan you've chosen has been done before. Importantly, stop blaming others for your mistakes and accept responsibility for what you want in life, too many people take the easy option and blame external factors for their failures. Find out why these are making you fail and search for ways to avoid them. There will always be someone jealous that wants to shut you down out of spite.

Finally, use the habit of concentration and constant reminder to maintain your willpower and build a habit to achieve your goals. Constant reminder of what you're aiming to achieve keeps one focussed on their ultimate goal. It provides us with purpose in life and allows us to live a life of fulfilment.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

27 Main Causes of Failure

Another ripper from Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. How many of these causes of failures are holding you back in whatever your goals are?

  1. Unfavourable and hereditary background
  2. Lack of well defined purpose in life - Something I struggle with myself on occasions but having since started writing this blog and setting myself central definite life goals I've been able to live with a greater purpose and desire.
  3. Lack of ambition to aim above mediocrity - Why live a life striving for something more? Go and get what you want and live those dreams.
  4. Insufficient Education - I don't see this as not having an opportunity of attending tertiary education but rather not being able to apply what you have learnt to achieve what you want.
  5. Lack of self discipline - Relates strongly to self control and practicing positive habits that influence your ability to achieve your goals. Once something is a habit, it's second nature and a breeze to do.
  6. Ill Health - Look after your body, eat healthy, exercise sufficiently and get lots of rest. Don't force yourself through something when the body isn't ready.
  7. Unfavourable Environmental Influences During Childhood
  8. Procrastination - Firstly, time will never be perfect. The best time to start something was yesterday, the second best time to start something is now and the worse time is in the future. The first step to success is starting, make it a habit.
  9. Lack of Persistence - The next biggest thing is once someone has started to keep on going to the end. If what you are doing is the right thing, the results will come no matter what. No need to worry about the little details in between, focus on the big picture.
  10. Negative personality - Screw the haters, honestly.
  11. Lack of controlled sexual urge - Sex drive is the most powerful emotion, it leads to results.
  12. Uncontrolled desire for "Something for Nothing" - I hate fad diets, they seem to promote this "something of nothing" mentality of having this magic pill/diet/whatever and you'll suddenly drop 10kg in a week.
  13. Lack of well-defined power of decision - This links back to lack of persistence and procrastination. Stick to your decision and trust you instincts.
  14. Over Caution - Similar to Lack of well defined power of decision, trust your instincts. You have to take a risk and chance sometimes in life to get what you desire.
  15. Superstition and prejudice - Start every day with a clear mind, be open to everyones opinions and don't let the haters get to you.
  16. Wrong Selection of a vocation - I like many of my mates have hit a rut in our career where we believe we are in the wrong job. Find your passion and live it, I'm still searching..
  17. Lack of concentration of effort - Pick your definite goals and give them your all. Trying to tackle too much at once can lead to poor performance.
  18. The Habit of Indiscriminate Spending - Don't fear poverty, don't feel the need to better your neighbour, work colleague, family or friend by purchasing the best of everything.
  19. Lack of Enthusiasm - Hard to be passionate about something without enthusiasm, it simply lacks substance.
  20. Intolerance - Have an open mind.
  21. Intemperance - Eat clean, train hard and let your body rest. The rest will fall into place.
  22. Inability to cooperate with others - The key in life is successful relationships and networking. Don't burn those bridges you worked so hard to create!
  23. Possession of power not acquired through self-effort - Quick riches are more dangerous than poverty. Understand how you have come into this possession of power and treat it with respect.
  24. Intentional Dishonesty - It will catch up to you one day, always will.
  25. Egotism and Vanity - Relates to Inability to Cooperate with others, don't let your ego get in the way of a successful relationship.
  26. Guessing instead of thinking - Do your homework, trust your judgement and make sure it makes sense.
  27. Lack of capital.
I personally have a lot of these to work on, but for me it has been an interesting read to try and link these failures to what is happening in my life and any obvious fixes I can implement to avoid future failures.

#Power of Instagram

For those that have been living underneath a rock, Instagram is a photo sharing social media application which allows users to post photos up with #hashtags and so on. It was launched in October 2010 and has since recently celebrated over 400 million users on the application. Quite simply it is amazing how a simple application of uploading a single photo and caption can generate such a buzz in society.

Online Circle Digital have just released the first ever Australia Instagram Performance Report to show how influential the app can be to marketing one's product.

Firstly I am surprised that @Kayla_itsines is the number one Instagram account in Australia, she is apart of the #fitness brigade and posts up work outs and general health & fitness motivation tips. As an "Influencer" type user on Instagram she is apart of the dominant Industry for growth on Instagram.

The Influencer industry is by far the dominant industry, with over double the amount of followers growth compared to the second closest being the Surfwear Retail industry and then Fashion Retail industry.

I find it quite amazing the power that these "Influencers" have over the social media world, once attracting a large number of followers through effective use of #hashtags they are able to build up a decent followers base which can potentially lead to marketing deals and then you're just posting up on Instagram as a business and wage as opposed to perfecting your 50th selfie on the day.

My point is, to be successful on Instagram it seems you have to either be an Influencer, work in Surf Retail or work in Fashion Retail. Better yet combined them by being an Influencer with your own Surf/Fashion retail brand. Target that Health & Fitness craze that's going on, sell yourself with the epic #selfies and aim to make your life as epic as possible.

For more detail on the report, check it out here. Worth a look if you wishing to become an Instagram superstar. Better yet if you want a laugh, check out my account.

Monday, 26 October 2015

CoreLogic RP Data Brisbane Real Estate Market Analysis

CoreLogic RP Data
I've just started collecting data from CoreLogic RP Data for analysis of the Brisbane real estate market. At the moment the data available is very limited but I will aim to update it monthly when data is available.

As shown median property prices so far this year haven't changed much with units slightly losing value of late. 

A bit of a wild ride for houses capital gains, especially in the past 12 months. Firstly, the red line for the past five years clearly shows a recovery from the 2011 floods, especially since June 2015. However over the 10 year period, house prices have remained steady if not have decreased slightly in value over the year. Finally, the 12 month period demonstrates a bit of of a down period in gains during the mid year and a nice recovery through to August before levelling out. With all this talk of Brisbane becoming the next property hot spot, it will be interesting to see how true some real estate commentators are with that prediction.

Units in Brisbane are steadily growing at around 3-4% over the ten year period, however over the past five years and 12 months things have taken turn with periods of negative growth but overall units would have been well of regardless of the negative capital gains.

Dwellings have performed similar to houses, a drop in growth around May but have steadily picked up since and over the ten year period have maintained around 3-4% growth.

For more of this information, check out the Your Property Success Toolbox by Jane Slack-Smith.

Monday Motivation

State of Mind

If you think you are beaten, you are,
If you think you dare not, you don't
If you like to win, but you think you can't,
It is almost certain you won't.

If you think you'll lose, you're lost
For out of the world we find,
Success begins with a person's will -
It's all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are,
You've got to think high to rise.
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.

Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man
But soon or late the one who wins
Is the who thinks he can.

By Napeleon Hill

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Kicking goals

Today I managed to complete my first Enduro mountain bike race. To be honest, the performance wasn't great but to finally knock over a NYE resolution goal makes it more worthwhile. 

The race was out at Old Hidden Vale past Rosewood and I'm glad the weather was overcast as my legs were in a world of hurt from the 20km of practicing the day before. 

Never the less a good fitness test for me and some motivation to keep pushing my fitness harder as it has well truly taken a back seat recently!

Back to working harder to push it in the next race. 

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Taking a stand "Think Big"

I've recently finished the book Take a Financial Leap by Pete Wargent which was a fantastic read and one I highly recommend to anyone wishing to start taking positive steps in their life to financial freedom and also just altering their mindset to becoming successfully financially. I have read Pete's previous two books and it was good to brush on some of the concepts again and review my investment plans and reassess my life goals.

In Chapter 7 the books discusses creating big goals and I've decided to complete the exercise and post it up publicly so I can be constantly reminded of what I am aiming to achieve in life.

Personal Development Goals

  1. Develop the following character traits - open, honest, friendly, happy, extraverted, confident, successful, respected;
  2. Be a loving, carrying husband and a father who will never let his youth escape him;
  3. Cement important relationship and isolate myself from any negative relationships;
  4. Achieve financial freedom by 40;
  5. Learn to build a business in my passion;
  6. Become aware of the Brisbane real estate market;
  7. Blog 3-5 times weekly on health and fitness, Brisbane real estate and my own investing journey; and
  8. Weight lift 3-4 times a week, ride 1-2 times a week and be in great shape;
Career, Business and Financial Goals
  1. Continue to invest every month into index fund and LIC. Increase investment amount every pay rise (minimum 10%) and diversify portfolio every five years;
  2. Improvement money management skills;
  3. Own an investment portfolio with a net asset worth of $1,000,000 by 40 through real estate, index funds and LIC's;
  4. Become a Lead Structural Engineer with a diverse range of experience in commercial, industrial and infrastructure; and
  5. Find a passion project for part time income that can slowly replace engineering salary.
Adventures, experiences, travel and toys goals
  1. Holiday in Africa and South America;
  2. Ride in New Zealand (Queenstown and Rotorua);
  3. Go to a soccer world cup;
  4. Own a BMW M3 and Range Rover Sport for Em; and
  5. Build family home in St Lucia.
Charitable and contribution goals
  1. Donate to Lifeline charity;
  2. Complete a charity bike ride; and
  3. Find a charity and volunteer once a year to help.
I'll assess these goals every year and provide progress where possible so I can see if I'm at all making it anywhere in life...

The Power of Desire

I am currently reading the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill which thus far has been a very interesting read regarding the mindset of those who become wealthy but I also believe many of the principles that I've read in the book can applied to ones health and fitness.

For instance one the chapter talks about desire and how important it is for those wishing to accomplish specific goals in life to maintain a high standard of desire. The method applies to becoming rich however I have altered it to show how it can be applied for health and fitness and is now something I wish to use going forward in a subconscious manner.

  1. Fix in your mind the exact weight and lifestyle you desire. It is not sufficient merely to say, "I want to be skinny." Be definite as to the amount.
  2. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the body you desire.
  3. Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the body you desire.
  4. Create a finite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.
  5. Write out a clear, concise statement of the body weight you intend to reach. Name the time limit for its acquisition. State what you intend to give in return for the body, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to reach it.
  6. Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once before retiring at night, and once before rising in the morning. As you read, see and feel and believe yourself in your new body and lifestyle.
The problem with the health and fitness industry these days is everything is has become far too complicated with too many fad products and effective marketing confusing the masses of population to take shortcuts and forget about the basics of being a health and active person. Whilst people argue over calorie counting and macro nutrients and so on, the simple truth is the person will not succeed if their mindset is not in the right space. Using the method above is step towards reaching your goal, by reminding yourself twice daily you can hope to turn basic diet controls such as calorie awareness and portion control into habits done purely based on your subconscious.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Australian Housing Market to Slow in 2016

Australian Real Estate Forecast

Bit of a follow up to my previous post regarding if Brisbane is to perform as well as Sydney/Melbourne have previously. SQM Research have released a recent article indicating that Housing Market to slow in 2016, with Melbourne to outperform.

Australian dwelling prices are forecasted to rise in 2016 at the slowest pace recorded since 2012. SQM’s release today of its 2016 Housing Boom and Bust Report, forecasts that average capital city dwelling prices will rise between 3% and 8% for the full calendar year. This is down from the current 9.8% recorded for the 12 months to June 2015. The slowdown will occur predominantly as a result of a slowing Sydney property market, which is forecasted to rise between 4% and 9%. Melbourne is forecasted to overtake Sydney and be the best outperforming capital city in 2016 with a forecast rise in dwelling prices of between 8% to 13%.

A lot of commentators have indicated an oversupply in Melbourne's real estate, however this is primarily within the CBD and inner suburbs for apartment supply. Commentators such as Michael Yardley have indicated investors should look to southern and eastern suburbs of Melbourne for established apartments where capital growth can be manufactured through renovating.

The table seems to correlate well with the current population growth, with Victoria and New South Wales currently experiencing population growth greater than five years ago. Considering my bias so far to looking at the Brisbane market, these numbers do seem interesting for future investments especially with Brisbane's underperformance of recent years when compared to the other east coast real estate markets.

Australian Population Growth

As noted by Michael Matsuik the Australian population growth is down as shown below.

The distribution of population growth is what is concerning for Brisbane and Queensland as a whole with growth five years ago exceeding current growth.

When looking at the growth in detail by capital cities, it is clear that Brisbane is an under performer on the east coast.

Brisbane Development

With all this talk about Brisbane becoming the next "boom market", the population growth forecasts don't make for promising prospects. In some aspects of Brisbane such as West End and Newstead developers have been hitting the ground running and building substantial amounts of new high rise apartments increasing the amount of supply in those markets. The website shows a great map of Brisbane and proposed/current/completed major developments around the city.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Is Brisbane the next Sydney?

With Melbourne and especially Sydney Real Estate performing so well in recent times, the attention has turn to Brisbane. Is the Brisbane Real Estate market going to mimic the performance of Sydney and Melbourne?

Here are some relevant articles in favour of Brisbane becoming the next property boom market.

Will Sydney's Strength lead to Brisbane's Property Boom? by Shannon Davies

Chinese Property Investors are starting to move into Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Adelaide by Michael Yardney

Investors to Swamp Brisbane in 2016? By Pete Wargent

However, a number are arguing that the Brisbane market has reached its peak.

What is happening in the Market? by Herron Todd White

Capital City Market Conditions at a glance by Herron Todd White and RP Data

The October CoreLogic RP Data Capital City Wrap video stated the following for Brisbane:

  • Home values up 1.9% over September quarter;
  • Home values up 4.6% over the past year;
  • Median dwelling price $460,000;
  • Median house price $494,000;
  • Median unit price, $390,000;
  • Houses growing at 4.9%
  • Units growing at 2.1%;
  • House gross rental yield at 4.3%;
  • Unit gross rental yield at 5.3%; and
  • Higher rental yields a possibility to trigger further investment into South East Queensland
I'll continue to provide summaries from CoreLogic RP Data as well as my own analysis to track how the Brisbane market is going.

For analysis over suburbs within the inner 5km and 10km radius of Brisbane, click here for Part 1 and Part 2.

Brisbane Real Estate; School Catchment Areas Part 2

Today I'll talk about Part 2 of my take on the Brisbane Real Estate and the effect of School Catchment areas.

This post will focus on catchment areas within the 5 to 10 km radius from the city centre which includes the following suburbs:

Windsor SS
  • Windsor
  • Lutwyche
  • Albion
Bulimba SS
  • Bulimba
  • Balmoral
Ascot SS
  • Ascot
Morningside SS
  • Morningside
Norman Park SS
  • Norman Park
East Brisbane SS
  • East Brisbane
  • Kangaroo Point
Dutton Park SS
  • Dutton Park
  • Highgate Hill
West End SS
  • West End
Toowong SS
  • Toowong
Milton SS
  • Paddington
  • Auchenflower
  • Milton
Newmarket SS
  • Newmarket
Coorparoo SS
  • Coorparoo
Buranda SS
  • Wooloongabba
Here is the summary of my findings.

I was surprised by these results as my preconception views on Ascot were it was a rich suburb but clearly the statistics show otherwise. High vacancy rates and relatively poor price growth compared to what has been shown above.

For my take on the 5km radius outside the Brisbane CBD, here is Part 1.

Next up I'll look at the 10-15 km catchment areas in Part 3 before summarizing the top 5 from each segment in Part 4.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Fulfilling my NYE Fitness Goals

One of my biggest passions is health and fitness, especially at the gym where the hour or so I’m there is my only time to myself. This year I set out a number of goals I wished to hit.

Bench Press 100kg
Dead Lift 180 kg
Squat 160kg
Shoulder Press 80kg

In week one of my quest, I tore a disc in my back and completely killed any chances at reaching those goals as I was enduring severe sciatica and did not want to add further damage.

For six months I focused on Physiotherapy and Pilates to ensure my back was 100% and at the middle of this year I was reasonably happy with how things were going.

I decided to try reach my NYE fitness goals by reading the Arnold Schwarzenegger Encyclopedia of Body Building Book and constructed my own weight lifting plan that fit around my lifestyle. I focused on three hard gym sessions a week and aimed to eat at least 3000 calories a day with 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates and 20% fats incorporated in my diet.

After 12 weeks of focusing hard on the gym here is my progress:

Workout A
Week 1 Max (kg)
Week 12 Max (kg)
Bench Press
Inclined Bench Press
Chin Ups

T-Bar Rows
Sumo Dead Lift

Workout B
Week 1 Max (kg)
Week 12 Max (kg)
Clean & Press
Lateral Raises
Upright Rows
Push Press
BB Curl
Seated DB Curl
Close Grip Press
OH Tricep Extension
Wrist Curls
Reverse Wrist Curls

Workout C
Week 1 Max (kg)
Week 12 Max (kg)
Single Leg Press
Standing Calf Raises

Mixed bag of results for my mind – bring on the next 12 weeks with an increased calorie amount to minimum 3200 calories. I'll update my results at the end of the next period.

Brisbane Real Estate; School Catchment Areas Part 1

It is my understanding that school catchment areas play a major role in real estate pricing with those willing to spend extra on property to ensure their children go to the right school. I am currently undertaking a review of the top five catchment areas from the 0-5km radius, 5-10km radius and 10-15km radius from the city centre.

First up today is the 0-5 km radius which includes the following suburbs.

New Farm SS
  • New Farm
  • Teneriffe
  • Newstead
Brisbane City SS
  • Petrie Terrace
  • Spring Hill
  • City
Kelvin Grove State College
  • Herston
  • Kelvin Grove
Petrie Terrace SS
  • Red Hill
  • Petrie Terrace
Here is the summary of my findings.

Clearly New Farm SS catchment area is the one to strive for.

Next up I'll look at the top five 5-10 km catchment areas.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Listed Investment Company Dollar Cost Averaging Investing Approach

Today I looked at appropriate methods on Dollar Cost Averaging Investing on Listed Investment Companies (LICs) and limiting the impact of brokerage and ensuring I can achieve regular payment intervals.

I reviewed five LICs and compared their performance with a trial investment strategy which I hope to implement in the near future:

1 Year 2 years 3 Year 5 Year 10 Year 15 Years 30 years










Plotting a very simplistic approach to the strategy I assumed that for the first five years I'd aim to save $50 a week, $100 a week for the next five years and then $150 a week from there after up to 40 years. I assumed an initial deposit of $2000 and the graph below does not consider brokerage costs and assumes that the amount deposited goes straight into the investment. The results were as follows:

Obviously this best case scenario as the investment is far from accurate but does show the intensity of compounding effects over the long term.

This lead to my original thought, how does one use an LIC investment product with a Dollar Cost Averaging investment approach.

I came across a method conceptualised by a user named Codebeard at the forums who was able to provide a formula for the optimum investment time given the investment amount, deposit intervals, annual interest on bank account, expected annual growth of stock and brokerage per trade. The formula then gives you a number of deposit intervals to save prior to investing. 

Information of the approach can be found here.

The plan from here is to invest in BKI and AFI LIC shares at $50 a week initially storing money in my Netbank saving account with a low interest rate of 2.5% and an annual growth of the stock as shown above gives me a time period of 16 weeks for my deposit amounts. I have also chosen these two LICs as they performed the best when the market was in downturn and as shown in the graph above they have performed very reasonably.

The process is now under way and I'll aim to update at the 16 week mark the purchase cost of the investment and provide updates from there on when I either invest in the shares or dividends and reinvested.