Sunday, 8 November 2015

The Devils Workshop

A bit of a self analysis post here, trying to understand my thinkings and mindset. I've answered this questions as quick as possible going with my first thought rather than trying to think an fabricate an answer. A good one for anyone to do to find a little bit more about themselves.

1. Do you complain often of "feeling bad'? If so, what is the cause?

2. Do you find fault with other people at the slightest provocation?

3. Do you frequently make mistakes in your work? If so, why?
Not to my knowledge.

4 Are you sarcastic and offensive in your conversation?
Depend who I am with

5. Do you deliberately avoid the association of anyone? If so why?
Yes, if first impression of the person is not good I will hold that impression until proven others.

6. Do you suffer frequently with indigestion? If so, what is the cause?

7. Does life seem futile and the future hopeless to you? If so why?
Not all the time, the occasional thought will exist when working conditions are unstable.

8. Do you like your occupation? If not why?
I enjoy my occupation but engineering probably isn't my true passion in life, it's just something I've ended up doing.

9. Do you often feel self-pity? If so, why?

10. Are you envious of those who excel you?

11. To which do you devote more time thinking of: success or failure?
Success I hope

12. Are you gaining or losing self-confidence as you grow older?
Gaining self confidence

13. Do you learn frothing of value from all mistakes?
Yes but I don't take any physical record

14. Are you permitting some relative or acquaintance to worry you? If so why?
Sometimes parents do but usually not

15. Are you summits "in the clouds" and at other times in the depths despondency?

16. Who has the most inspiring influence open you? What is the cause?
Fiance and my own ambitions have biggest influence due to wanting more success and to provide finance with lifestyle she wants

17. Do you tolerate negative or discouraging influences that you can avoid?
I prefer to avoid it

18. Are you careless of your personal appearance If so, when and why?

19. Have you learned how to "drown your troubles" by being too busy to be annoyed by them?

20. Would you call yourself a "spineless weakling" if you permitted others to do your thinking for you?

21. Do you neglect internal bathing until autointoxication makes you ill tempered and irritable?

22. How many preventable disturbances annoy you, and why do you tolerate them?
Things such as whistling and humming annoy me, I have to tolerate them as I would be rude to question it

23. Do you resort to liquor, narcotics or cigarettes to "quit your nerves" If so, why do you not try willpower instead?

24. Does anyone "nag" you, and if so, for what reasons?

25. Do you have a definite major purpose, and if so, what is it and what plan have you for achieving it?
I now have a definite major purpose in life. I want to have at least $1 million net assets by 40 years old with passive income covering all major expenses. This will be done by investing 5% weekly pay fortnightly into an index fund and 5% weekly pay into a listed investment company. These numbers will be increase to 15% total investment with another product before getting to at least 20% invested by 35 years old. Principal home is to be bought by thirty with at least one or two investment properties available bought through Metropole. In the short term I will cut down expenditure to ensure the wedding and honeymoon can be paid for and locations wanted to go are able to be visited.

26. Do you have suffer from anyone of the six basic fears? If so, which ones?
The only fear I could think of having is loss of love.

27. Have you a method by which you can shield yourself against the negative influence of others?
I need to avoid and cut all friendship ties to those who are negative influencing my dreams and aspirations.

28. Do you make deliberate use of autosuggestion to make your mind positive?

29. Which do you value most, your material possession or your privilege of controlling your own thoughts?
Privilege of controlling your own thoughts

30. Do others easily influence you, against your own judgement?
Only when I am in a position where I am unsure of the answer or action that I am easily influenced

31. Has today added anything of value to your stock of knowledge or state of mind?
Yes I learnt about gentrification and the oversupply suburbs in Brisbane.

32. Do you face squarely the circumstances that make you unhappy, or sidestep the responsibility?
I side step the responsibility and need to take forward steps to make changes and fix any issues.

33. Do you analyse mistakes and failures and try to profit by them, or do you the attitude that this is not your duty?
Depends on the situation but I usually try to mind my own business

34. Do you encourage other people to bring their worried to you for sympathy?
I will sometimes let people vent when I realise something is wrong so they can release their issue as soon as possible but I don't get too caught up emotionally in the situation.

35. Do you choose, from your daily experiences, lessons or influences that aid in your personal achievements?

36. Does your presence have a negative influenced on other people as a rule?
I hope not, perhaps it does on those I do not with associate with.

37. What habits of other people annoy you most?
Whistling, humming, binge drinking, settling for life gives them and not giving more

38. Have you learned how to create a mental state of mind which you can shield yourself against all discouraging thoughts?
No, I usually just walk away from the problem or fight the issue and get too involved.

39. Does your occupation inspire faith and hope?

40. Are you conscious of possessing spiritual force of sufficient power to enable you to keep your mind free from all forms of fear?

41. Does you  help you to keep your own mind positive?
I do not have a religion but my mind is somewhat a positive first

42. Do you feel it your duty to share other people's worries? If so, why?
I avoid sharing other peoples problem as I don't want to be a gossiper spreading information that was told in confidence.

43. If you believe that "birds of feather flock together", what have you learned about yourself by studying your friends you attract?
Overall a nice person with some rough around the edges and no where near perfect.

44. What connection, if any, do you see between the people with whom you associate most closely, and any unhappiness you may experience?

45. Could it be possible that some person you consider to be friend is, in reality, your worst enemy because of their negative influences on your mind?
Yes and I need to identify those and slowly phase it out.

46. By what rules do you judge who is helpful and who is damaging to you?
Usually if they disagree with me I'll naturally go on the back foot and start finding ways to fight back but depending on how much respect I have for them is how i'll determine if they're helpful or not.

47. Are your intimate associates mentally superior or inferior to you?
Depends on the situation, I'd say we compliment each other. I may just have slightly more drive to succeed goals.

48. How much time out of every 24 hours do you devote to:
a) Occupation - 9 hours
b) Sleep - 7 hours
c) Acquiring useful knowledge - 2 hour
d) Plain waste - 6

49. Who among your acquaintances
a) Encourages you the most - Parents and partner
b) Cautions you most - Parents and partner
c) Discourages you most - No one in particular
d) Helps you most in other ways - Mentors

50.What is your great worry? Why do you tolerate it?
Greatest worry is not succeeding at my life goals, I haven't been able to tolerate it because I wish to achieve more but haven't action the proposed plans as I'd like to.

51. When others offer you free, unsolicited advice, do you accepted it without question or analyse their motivates?
I will analyse their motivates and be very skeptical.

52. What, above all else, do you most desire? Do you intend to acquire it? Are you willing to subordinate all others desires for this one. How much time daily do you devote to acquiring it?
I desire financial freedom and happiness the most and am willing to take risks and chances to get there. I aim for at least an hour a day in acquiring knowledge to reach this goal.

53. Do you change your mind often? If so, why?

54. Do you usually finish everything you begin?
Not as much as I'd like to and it depends on my motivation levels.

55. Are you easily impressed by other people's business or professional titles, university degrees or wealth?

56. Are you easily influenced by what other people think or say of you?
Yes and to be honest I would like to know more of it.

57. Do you cater to people because of their social or financial status?
No I feel my friends are because we get along well and the social/financial status isn't something I worry about. In fact, I am skeptical of richer people and can get on board the tall poppy syndrome.

58. Whom do you believe is the greatest person living? In what respect is this person superior to you?
I don't have anyone in particular that I idolise, I have many people that I idolise because they are in a state in their lives where they are happy, financially free and working on a passion project.

59. How much time have you devoted to studying and answering these questions?
This questionnaire took about 10-15 minutes as I answered with the answer that came first.

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